Saturday, December 14, 2013

Black Eyed Kids

Black-Eyed Children, don’t invite them into your home

Black-eyed children have but one consistent request, invite us in. Whatever you do, don't invite them into your home!

Imagine this. You and your better half are on your way home after a late night out on the town. You pull into a convenience store, and you wait in the car while he runs in for something. You’re sitting there in the dark waiting for him to return when suddenly you get an inexplicable, overwhelming feeling of terror. You sit up a little straighter and glance toward the driver’s side window. There staring in at you are two children – but not just any children. These are “Black Eyed Children,” and they want to get into the car with you.

Sound like something from a horror movie? Well, it’s not. It’s as real as it gets. According to David Weatherly, a paranormal investigator and author, who has written a book called “Black Eyed Children,” incidents or visitations by these strange children are occurring worldwide. They have one simple request, they want to come in. They appear on doorsteps, at car windows, hotel rooms and even boats.

Weatherly says there are thousands of reported sightings of these Black Eyed Children. Sometimes they travel in pairs, sometimes in groups and sometimes you’ll see just one. They knock on doors and tap on windows all over the world, asking to be let in.

Witnesses report these weird children asking to come into the house to use the phone or for a ride home because they’re lost or they forgot something. They speak in a demanding monotone and regardless of what is said to them, they don’t say much more than “Let us in. We won’t hurt you. This won’t take long.”

Their most outstanding feature is their solid black eyes, eyes completely void of color or light, showing no pupils, no irises. Witnesses say looking into these eyes evokes intense feelings of terror.

Could they be wearing black contact lenses? Weatherly agrees that this may be true in some cases; however, black lenses covering the entire surface of the eye would not only be expensive, but extremely uncomfortable.

These strange Black Eyed Children, who can appear or vanish at a moment’s notice, seem to be between the ages of 8 and 16. Their skin is pale or pasty colored, described by some as looking plastic or artificial, and their mannerisms are odd. Witnesses describe their clothing as odd and drab – blue jeans and a hoodie or very old-fashioned, handmade clothing. Bizarre electrical phenomena occurs when they are around, such as a garage door inexplicably opening.

When a man in Dallas arrived home, he saw a boy at his door who repeated "I think it's food time. You should invite me inside." The man's protective pit bull came running toward the front door, but as it got closer to the boy, it whimpered and ran away, hiding under the bed for days afterward.
A man named Paul was home alone when someone knocked on this door. He opened it and saw two kids about 10 years old standing on his steps with their heads down. They said, "Hey, we just thought we'd stop in for a bit." The kids insisted they be let into the house. Thinking they had the wrong house, Paul stepped forward to get a better look and made eye contact. Their eyes were solid black, including the sclera.
Jason Offutt, another researcher into the Black Eyed Children phenomenon, gives this account:

Around 10:45 on a warm night, as 18-year-old Carris Holdsworth approached her apartment in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, she saw two teenagers in hoodies and jeans standing in her yard with their backs to her. As she attempted to slip away unseen, she fumbled in her purse for pepper spray. At that very moment, the boys turned to face her and, as if reading her mind, one said, “No need for that, we just want to borrow your phone, miss.” When she caught a glimpse of their pitch black eyes, not a trace of white or a pupil, she panicked and raced to her apartment, locking the door behind her. The boys following close behind, knocked on her door. She ignored it. After a second knock, fearing for her safety she phoned a friend to come over. When the friend arrived, the boys ran away.
What exactly is this growing phenomena? Who are these sinister appearing black-eyed children? Are they inter-dimensional beings who feed off the energy of fear they create. Are they be alien-human hybrids. Are they demonic entities? Are they simply a modern urban legend born of the computer age?

Weatherly believes they may have some sort of demonic origin because in some reports these black-eyed children vanish into thin air, and some witnesses report a run of bad luck after an encounter with these children.


Some experiences from "Thought Catalog."

He told me to never agree to help them.

by bloodybones:

It was a cold October evening, not too far off from Halloween. I remember sitting in my room, playing the original suikoden. The evening was slowly creeping by so I decided to go to the corner store. It was only 3 blocks, shouldn’t be much trouble right.
During my walk I see the normal. The occasional person putting up Halloween decorations and kids playing in their yards, but this story is about something far more sinister. I remember seeing two teens about age 14, knocking on a door asking to use the phone, which of course I thought was weird because most teens these days have phones. As I kept walking, they stopped and stared at me for a short moment. I felt the blood in veins chill. I felt so creeped out I hurried to the next block. The next block seemed fine, until I looked behind me and saw the two teens were following me. I took off sprinting to the store at this point.

I saw the sign for the store, and relief washed over me. I opened the door, and I told the cashier about what happened on the way here. He looked at me slightly creeped out, and told me a story about this happening to him in his hometown and how they found him the day he left, and asked for his help, in an emotionless voice, and he told me to never agree to help.

He told me another story, but at that point I was no longer paying attention because they were standing at the door asking to be let in. The cashier freaked out, and locked the door.

The teens never seem to waver or leave. They wouldn’t step away from the door. It had been an hour. The cashier and I were ready to fight our way out, but instead he took me out the back. The one teen came around the back just as the door shut behind us.

Can you help me is all he could say. He was closing in on us, and his eyes. They were black as a starless night. They were peering right into my soul. I couldn’t help but gaze into his eyes. The terror, I can’t remember too much of what happened next, but I do recall the sounds of struggle.

When I came too, the cashier was struggling with both teens. He was calling out to me for help. I ran towards them, grabbed him by his collar and pulled him between the two, and knocking them over in the process. I didn’t look back until I was near my house, the cashier was gone but the teens were still following behind. I ran into my house, closed all the blinds, and turned the music up.

I got lucky that day, but I’m not sure how long I can keep out of there grasp. I tried to find and thank the cashier for saving my life that day, but he didn’t show up to work after that. I asked his boss, and he told me he called over the phone and quit. He said he was moving.

To this very day I sometimes feel the fear of those eyes watching me as I drive to work. I sometimes will look out my window and swear I see them watching my house from a couple blocks away. Waiting for their next chance.

Survival story.

by pyric_lancaster:

i helped them once. never, ever, under any circumstance do it. im not sure what they do but it feels as if they are ripping your soul out, they get really close to you, and you get amazingly drowsy, if it weren't for my girlfriend showing up mid-”invasion” and kicking them out i probably would be dead. i didn't even see the black eyes until i had let them in, they’re getting smarter.

They’re on my balcony.

by CutiePa2T:

Let me tell you a little about myself. I’m in my early twenties, I just moved into this apartment and I tend to live a very private life. I don’t even have a Facebook account. I work during the day at a grocery store. Ok. So, I’m walking up my flight of steps to get to my apartment and I hear these kids laughing and then I heard whispering.

It was kind of late so I thought this was weird but I ignored it and walked into my apartment(i live on the third floor). I was getting ready to open my balcony door, it was really muggy in my apartment. I walk over to the door and pull my blinds and two kids are fucking staring back at me(sorry for the F bomb, but i’m still shaking). I screamed and backed away smashing my leg into the in table. They were both in blue jeans, and the oldest(he was taller)had on a green shirt with white stripes and the younger had on a button up light blue shirt. The oldest one touched the sliding door, ”Hey miss, can you let us in?” The younger one just kept looking around, I still just stared at them. I finally was able to say, ”How’d you get on my balcony?” I walked to the door and noticed how excited the older one got he moved closer to the entrance, ”Can you let us in?” I wasn’t thinking I unlocked the door and when I looked up, their eyes, you guys their eyes were black. The entire eye. I quick locked the door and told them I had to call the police because my door was jammed and I couldn’t unlock the door. so I called the police, the oldest boy pleaded with me the entire time to let them in.

The police arrived about an hour ago, they came in and walked to the balcony. When they opened my balcony door nothing was there, they looked down and saw Two children they were running in the parking lot away from the building. The police took a report and said they had to of had help getting up there, and that they would question the neighbors. I’m freaking out, I’m crying i don’t want to stay here but then again I don’t feel safe going outside right now.

“No. You won’t be calling anybody.”

by hammerhands:

The incident took place about 13 years ago. I had just moved to a new city with my wife. We were small town newlyweds from the Midwest. We moved cross country to one of the biggest city’s in the Southwest so I could attend graduate school. Being naive and new to city living, I habitually answered the door without a second thought. Never again after this.

The first thing that should have tipped me off to the peculiarity of this situation was the fact that someone was knocking at 6:00 in the morning. The second thing that should have dawned on me is this kid had to reach over a rather tall patio gate to unlatch and open it.

The knock at the door was startling. My wife and I were getting ready for work, a pretty normal routine. The moment I opened the door, I was overtaken with an inexplicable sense of fear. To this day, I can picture him. Teenager, average height, average build, knee length black leather coat, short black hair and sunglasses. The sunglasses at 6:00 a.m. struck me as odd and even more odd, he was eating an apple. He was very polite and asked if he could come in and warm up. I said, “No”, closed the door and slid the security chain in to place. A moment later, another knock. I opened the now chained door, and before I could speak he asked again if he could come in and warm up. “NO!” I reply and attempted to close the door. Before the door could shut, he put his hand out stopping the door on its hinges. He looked directly in to my eyes, still wearing his sunglasses, and said, “Can I at least get some ketchup for my apple?”. “Fuck that!” I reply, albeit a little confused. “Get the hell outta here! My wife is calling the police!”. He takes a moment to let this information sink in, lowers his glasses, revealing eyes as black as obsidian and says, “No. You won’t be calling anybody.”. At that moment I force the door closed, lock it, and call out to my wife, she is scared shitless hiding in the bedroom. All jacked up on adrenalin, I rip the curtains back to look out the window next to the door. He’s gone. Absolutely no trace of him. I go out on the patio and check the gate, it’s still latched from the inside. That was fucked up, I think to myself and as I turn to enter the house I notice a half eaten apple lying on the ground.

Experiences source:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Lovers of Paranormal Author Interview with J.K. James

Lovers of Paranormal Author Interview with J.K. James

Welcome, JK James, to the Lovers of Paranormal Book of the Month club. As you know, Concealed in the Darkness was one of the books selected to be read as a group. Would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself and what inspired you to write your book?


1. Tell us about your book? 

Concealed in the Darkness is about a young man coming of age and faced with hardships that only get harder when world of the paranormal, that has always followed him, reaches into his world and turns everything upside down.  Things escalate to a point where he can no longer avoid and hide from it, but is forced to confront it and by doing so learns the secrets hiding in the darkness.

2. What was the hardest part of writing this book?

I found keeping and holding the flow was the most difficult.  It's very hard to hold and maintain a reader's attention when you have to fill in important details for the story.  You risk making things boring.  In the first version of this book, the first three chapters included background information to help explain things that were happening throughout the book.  I found doing that to be a mistake because adding too much detail painted too much of a picture and made it harder for the reader to relate to the characters and what they were experiencing.  There was much learning behind this writing.

3. What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

The very first chapter I got a kick out of telling.  It was a story my mother used to tell me about what happened to her when she was a little girl living in an old farm house.  I made several changes to the story to allow the reader to better relate and also to help it tie into the whole book.

4. How do you develop your plots and characters?

Developing the plots and characters was the easy part.  Most horror themes are works of fiction and reflections of the author's nightmares, but this one is different.  This one is based off real events that happened in the lives of several people.  I took these experiences and put them together into one story.  It's a bit horrifying when you're reading about an attack by a spectral entity and realize that this actually happened to someone.  It's not made up.

This book is based on what lies out there in the unseen world that is able to interact with our own world.  Able to touch our lives and not in very pleasant ways.  Things that are able to manifest themselves to us in a real physical manner, as real as everything else, and get into our heads in a hidden way that makes us question our sanity.

How often do we pretend we didn't see the shadow move in the corner of our eye.  We try to brush off the feeling of something behind us making chills run down our spine.  We don't want anyone to know we think we seen something in the darkened room.  Even heard it whispering to us.

Every culture throughout history mentions these things.  They've always been with us.  But why do they seem to hate us.  Why do they reach into our world and try to rip it apart.

I hope this book will get under everyone's skin because it doesn't tell of a made up monster chasing you in the woods waiting for you to fall down.  This is about the thing you already know about that watches you sleep.  The thing you cannot hide from.

5. Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it?

I had to rewrite the book several times.  I learned that I can't just tell the story as is.  I must insert hooks to immediately grab and hold the reader's attention and believe or not, the original version of it had a very different ending.  I had to change it because it apparently made some people angry.  They didn't like the psychological tragedy I had in store for them.  I toned some things down so the reader could at least turn off some of their lights at night...but not all of them.

6. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Don't so quickly dismiss the things that go bump in the night.  We can't all be consistently suffering from mass disillusion for thousands of years across every culture and people in the World.  Every religion and culture mentions these things that hide in the shadows of the darkness.  Even the skeptic shivers with goose pimples and nonchalantly looks over their shoulder.  Something's there, we can't explain it but we also can't deny it.

7. What books have most influenced your life?

I think the book that influenced me the most was a book I read when I was around 11 or 12 years old.  It wasn't even in the genre I read so regularly Today.  It was “The Boy Who Sailed Around The World Alone.”  This book taught me that perseverance always wins the day and never to give up on your dreams.

8. What are your future project(s)?

I have several projects I am currently working on.  All of them deal with the paranormal and unseen things.  Of course, in my usual twisted way I can't just make up a story.  I have to use things that everyone seems to already question and believe in.  Even worse, things that can trace back into history and relate to every culture.  I don't discriminate when I scare, I must horrify everyone regardless of their background and beliefs.

9. If you couldn’t be an author, what would your ideal career be?

If I couldn't be an author, I would love to be an artist.  I used to do oil paintings and murals, but I found myself literally being the starving artist.  My art changed and became more about dark fantasy and macabre.  After people became too afraid to come into the same room my paintings were in, I figured it would be best to not tell the stories in pictures but by words.

10. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your LoP readers? 

Stay loyal to the genre, we have so many things hidden in the Cimmerian shade of your mind to show you.


Thank you, JK, and thanks for answering all our questions. I hope Lovers of Paranormal members will feel free to post additional questions in the thread below, and if they have the chance, to grab a copy of Concealed in Darkness and join us in the BOTM thread HERE:

Be epic!

Concealed in the Darkness By J.K. James is available at these following locations:


Buy Paperback Direct and get 33% off with Promo Code Use Promo Code: KRCEDA5N

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kindle vs Nook - or have BOTH

Did you know you can put Kindle books on your Nook?
And Nook books on your Kindle?
-For a Nook, download Kindle app from Google Play.
-For a Kindle, download Nook app from Amazon app store.

No more being tied down to one format or the other. - the competition is over as far as "we users" go.


 - - Many people don't know --


Concealed in the Darkness by J.K. James
Get your copy now.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Danish Wedding Cookie Recipe

Danish Wedding Cookies - MOCK RECIPE.

First, the disclaimer to keep me from being sued.  The above image is not mine. I got it from the web to use as a "fair use" reference.  This is not the recipe to Keebler's Danish Wedding Cookies, I don't know their recipe.  I only figured out the recipe that tastes just like their Danish Wedding Cookies.

This recipe is my recipe that I trial and errored until I got it as close to the Keebler Danish Wedding Cookies as I could.  The ingredients are the same.


1 cup shortening (part butter or margarine)
1 cup Sugar, granulated
1 cup packed light Brown Sugar
2 eggs (slightly beaten)
1 tsp Vanilla Extract

2 cups flour
1 tsp Baking SODA
1 tsp Salt

1 cup Rolled Oats
1 cup sweetened Flaked Coconut - chopped into tiny bits
3/4 cup Chocolate Chips - chopped into tiny bits

* 1/2 - 3/4 chopped Pecans - chopped into tiny bits *OPTIONAL*
(optional if you have nut allergy, the Keebler recipe doesn't have nuts in them - but I think they taste better with them)

Powdered Sugar (for rolling cookies in)


Okay, here is how I do it.  I don't own any fancy equipment - I use just a bowl and wooden spoon for my mixing.

- Preheat Oven to 400° f.

In one bowl:
  - Mix the Shortening (I mix half sweet unsalted real butter with mine), Sugar, and Brown Sugar.
  - Mix in two slightly beaten eggs and the Vanilla Extract.

In a separate bowl:
  - Mix Flour, Baking SODA, and Salt. (I stir mine with a whisk until it's mixed well).

- Stir flour mixture into sugar mixture until incorporated.

- Stir in Rolled Oats.

- Stir in Chocolate Chip tiny bits, Chopped Coconut Flakes, Chopped Pecans.

Drop spoonfuls onto an ungreased cookie sheet and flatten slightly (Slightly flattened drop cookies).

Bake at 400° f  for approximately 12 minutes (pending oven, latitude, etc..)

After removing cookies from oven and they have cooled enough to handle (you want them still warm, not hot), roll them in Powdered Sugar and set on rack to cook completely.

After looking at their box and seeing the Ingredients, I deduced that these cookies are nothing more than Chocolate Chip - Coconut - Oatmeal cookies rolled in powdered sugar.  They don't add chopped pecans in theirs, but I found that I liked them better with the chopped nuts in them.

Here's the batch I made Today.  I ate four of them. So this is about how much a batch makes, minus 4.

If you like this recipe and would like to thank me for sharing it with you, please take moment to look at my books at Barnes and Noble Booksellers: <HERE>