Saturday, November 23, 2013

Working on Book Trailer

Sorry I haven't been on much lately.  I've been busy making a "Book Trailer" for 'Concealed in the Darkness.'  A short video about the book to lure in readers.

I am totally unfamiliar with pretty much all the software.  So much of my time has been spent on learning how to actually do things.

~ I am using Photostory 3 for Windows to put the whole thing together.
~ My old Photoshop 7 to tweek the needed photos.
~ Google to search for Royalty-free images I might be able to use.
~ My camera to take pictures for photos in my mind I can't find on google (I use photoshop to get full effect)
Audacity to mix the audio and make my voice sound like James Earl Jones when I narrate (I couldn't afford to hire him to do it for me).  Additionally mix background music and sound effects.

So far, I've got a test one to work with sound and images.  Now I just have to fine tune it all and should be good to go.  I am optimistic about it.

♥ J.K. James

Concealed in the Darkness by J.K. James - Paperback $14.99
Concealed in the Darkness by J.K. James - Kindle Edition $3.49

Amazon UK - Concealed in the Darkness by J.K, James - Paperback £9.35 - UK
Amazon UK - Concealed in the Darkness by J.K, James - Kindle £2.25 - UK

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